Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 & H2020 Projects

ERC Starting Grant: The CoqHoTT project

Participant : Nicolas Tabareau [coordinator] .

CoqHoTT stands for Coq for Homotopy Type Theory. The goal of this project is to go further in the correspondence between proofs and programs which has allowed in the last 20 years the development of useful proof assistants, such as Coq (developed by Inria). This project starts from the recent discovery by field medal Vladimir Voevosdky, of the strong link between homotopy theory (which studies the notion of continuous deformation in topology) and type theory (which is at the heart of the Coq proof assistant). The main goal of the CoqHoTT project is to provide a new generation of proof assistants based on this fascinating connection.

The CoqHoTT project should starts on March 2015 with a budget of 1,5M€.

A4Cloud (IP)

Participants : Mario Südholt [coordinator] , Walid Benghabrit, Ronan-Alexandre Cherrueau, Rémi Douence, Hervé Grall, Jean-Claude Royer, Mohamed Sellami.

The integrated project “Accountability for the Cloud” (A4Cloud) is coordinated by HP Labs, UK, and fosters cooperation of a consortium of five industrial and eight academic partners. It has been started in Oct. 2012 for a duration of 42 months.

A4Cloud focuses on accountability properties for the cloud and other future internet services as the most critical prerequisite for effective governance and control of corporate and private data processed by cloud- based IT services. The research being conducted in the project will increase trust in cloud computing by devising methods and tools, through which cloud stakeholders can be made accountable for the privacy and confidentiality of information held in the cloud. These methods and tools will combine risk analysis, policy enforcement, monitoring and compliance auditing. They will contribute to the governance of cloud activities, providing transparency and assisting legal, regulatory and socio-economic policy enforcement. For further information, see http://www.a4cloud.eu . ASCOLA, whose financial support consists of 550 K€, is mainly involved in the sub-projects on the enforcement of accountability and security policies, as well as tool validation efforts.

This year we have proposed new logic-based and language-level means for the formal specification and implementation of accountability properties (see  6.3 ).